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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blogging ideas and a trip to the bathroom

I have decided to start keeping a tiny notebook in my pocket. "Why," you might ask? Simply because I do not want to miss any more of my boys' "isms." Between their funny little quips about daily life, to the thoughts/questions/feelings I have just by looking at them - I figure I can have this little book filled up in no time.

After all, there's something both funny and annoying about your 5-year old son bargaining with you before going to the bathroom by saying, "I'll go, but someone has to come wipe my butt when I'm all done." Oh boy. Or here's another example: "I promise to finish my dessert if I don't have to eat all my dinner."

The sheer innocence that I witness during these little bomb-statements is the wonderful part. They are bargaining with me. They are practicing the art of arguing. They are rationalizing, so, I indulge them. "OK I'll come wipe your butt after you are finished in the bathroom, but you have to do the same to your big brother later" Uh, no. This produces an initial scowl, followed by the realization that I'm not really serious. The look on his little face is priceless. He ends up taking care of the entire business by himself and, after reminding him to wash his hands, put on underwear, flush the toilet, turn the fan on, pull his pants up, button his pants, USE soap, dry his hands, put his shirt back on, and re-flush...voila, we're done!

At any rate, I have a ton of little examples like this that I think I'll begin blogging about. Some will be funny, some sad, and a lot of the posts will be bittersweet (just like being a parent).

Our children are growing up before our very eyes. As stay-at-home dads, we are fortunate to be able to see this. Through the feelings of inadequacy, the loneliness, and the (sometimes) frustration - we are watching our little works-in-progress grow up to be little people. There are times that we, as fathers, need to be reminded of just what an important jobs we have.

Now, I have to go help my little man peel the "hair" off of his peach!

-Ron (


  1. When mine turned 4 I wrote some notes to myself called "memories of three". I then started a document in my PDA called "memories of four" and add little things to it from time to time.

    Example: "I had to get two cookies because I wasn't sure which cookie I wanted."
