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Monday, August 30, 2010

1st day of full-day kindergarten dad blues

As I watched my two little ones climb into the bus this morning, I was proud. But I was also profoundly sad. With all of the lay-offs that I have experienced, I have been more a part of my 5-year olds life more than my other two boys. Sure, it hurt when I sent off my now almost 9 year-old - but this time it was different. This is my baby that I'm letting go. I was unemployed at the time of his birth, and for a little while after, and so I took on almost all the typical roles that a mother would. The everyday things: mid-morning naps, the smell of a newborn, changing countless diapers, bottles, bottles, bottles, burping...and playing. Playing with miniature toes was my favorite thing to do. That, and just hold my baby(ies) as much as I could. You see, I've always known this day was coming so I tried to prepare for it as best as possible. Taking every moment I had with them and trying to burn into my brain the feeling that I had RIGHT THEN.

Now, as my little one is growing up, and the house is silent for 1/3rd of the day for five days a week, I'm faced with a startling reality: Who am I now?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Colorado Employment Situation report

This report from the Colorado Labor Department Twitter page shows very interesting data in regards to the employment situation in Colorado for the month of July 2010. Click here for the full report.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How much are stay-at-home-parents really worth?

According to, the average stay-at-home-parent works 98.9 hours per week, for a total annual salary equivalent of $117,850! Click here to view more details. The hardest, most fulfilling job...also one of the highest "paying!"